Monday, December 14, 2015


Activity #1 – Creating Word Problems
It is your turn to put together the data you collected on Amuzers Dream Park to create a word problem based on your knowledge of the order of operations.  Please follow these steps when creating your word problem:
1)    Use data from at least one of the six areas to create your word problem. You can also add your own information into your word problems, but that information must be used with the data on Amuzers Dream Park.
2)    Select a few key words from the beginning of the book to help you word your problems. 
3)    Include at least three of the following operations in your numerical expressions:

4)    Write in complete sentences and provide all the information needed to solve the problem.
5)    Upload your word problem onto the blog by posting it as a comment under the page of the book it relates to.

Activity #2 – Answering Word Problems

After uploading your word problem onto the blog, you must answer three classmates’ word problems by replying to their comments.  Make sure to complete the following:
1)    Select a word problem that is not your own
2)    Show your work in your math notebooks when solving the problem
3)    Comment on the word problem to upload just your answer, including the units
4)    Repeat steps 1-3 for two other word problems

Activity #3 – Creating Star Word Problems

If you completed activities # 1 and #2, feel free to step up your game with this activity.  Try doing Activity #1 again, except you have to use data from at least three sections of Amuzers Dream Park.  Also, you have to all six of the operations (PEMDAS).  When you finish creating this word problem, upload it onto the blog as a Star Word Problem, because the difficulty level was taken up a notch.

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