Monday, December 14, 2015


Welcome, welcome!  Welcome to my home.  I live in an amusement park, which belongs to my family, the Amuzers.  Amuzers Dream Park is a place that combines dreams and fun, all in one package.  I heard from your teacher that your class is here today on a mission—to collect as much mathematical data as you can as you navigate, or find your way, through Amuzers Dream Park.  I am happy to be your guide, Kokoro Amuzer at your service!  I may be your age, but I am an expert in terms of all that there is to know about my home.   So come, come, there is no time to lose.  From the moment the park opens at 6 AM and closes at 10 PM, there is hardly enough time to thoroughly explore the entire park and all of its six sections.  Be prepared to jot down any questions for me, and to always have your knowledge of the order of operations at the ready.   As long as you know PEMDAS and keep in mind the key words from the “Word Problem Key Words List” you received earlier, I know you’ll do fine.  Now, let’s go onto the first section…

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